Friday, December 7, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography
1. Livingston, Alan & Livingston, Isabella, The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Graphic Design and Designers. London: Thames & Hudson, 2003.
This book gave provided me with a lot of useful information about The Industrial Revolution, however I would have liked to read more on Type and its significance during the time period in this book. This book made me think about what it would feel like to be working under such hard conditions for long hours in hot, sweaty factories. It however, did provide essential background information that we needed for our research.
2. Horn,Jeff, Reconceptualizing the Industrial Revolution. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2010.
This book is a collection of essays that offers many different perspectives on the Industrial Revolution and how is happened on a global scale. The information in this book is particularly useful for Tatianna and I for Project 1 on the history of type because this book compared significant industrial developments in countries ranging from China to Brazil. Although we did not really use information from many countries, it was useful to know and helped me to better understand the time period of our project. Understanding the innovations of the time period helped me to further understand why advertisements and fonts were the way they were.
3. Tholenaar, Jan, Type: A Visual History of Typefaces and Graphic Styles, Vol.I. London : Taschen, 2009.
This book was great, it has an array of fonts and graphic styles that have evolved over time. It offers an overview of typeface design, while also exploring some of the most beautiful fonts that have been used throughout the history of publishing. This book was useful for the wonderful images and their great quality as well as information about the evolution of type and when font categories were at their peaks.
4. Lupton, Ellen, Thinking with Type: A critical guide for designers,writers,editors, and students. New York, Princeton Architectural Press, 2004.
Although this book was used periodically throughout the semester, I really utilized it for Project 1. The typeface images were of great quality and description. I also really liked this book, because it is easy to read and comprehend due to its simplistic vocabulary and structure. It also served as a study guide for studying the anatomy of a letter for the Typography final.
5. Garfield, Simon, Just my type: a book about fonts. New York, Gotham Books, 2011.
I used this book for project 2 . It is about how font is shaped by the world we live in, and how we are surrounded by fonts everyday, whether that be on street signs, building, movie posters, books, and just about every product we buy. This book changed the way I now look at a printed word. When creating the four layouts needed for this project, I thought in dept about the placement and font of each word, since they are all so unique. Prior to taking Typography and reading this book, I would have not thought much about where and why I place my type, however now that I have read it, it makes me think more critically about type in my projects, work, and things that I see in everyday life, and their significance.
6. "Early Typographers : Design Is History." Early Typographers : Design Is History. N.p., n.d. Web.
 This online design journal discusses the years between the mid-15th century and the early 18th century, and how within that time came to be many changes and developments in the world of typography. For Project 1, Tati and I chose to discuss the time period of the Industrial Revolution, so this journal was perfect for that. It discussed the development of the printing press and how it influenced the development of full typefaces and their production rather the job-specific approach that most typography was created for. This journal discusses many type founders and significant developments that attributed to the Industrial Revolution.
7. "Typefoundry." Typefoundry. Typefounder, n.d. Web. 2012.
This blog called Typefoundry served as a great reference to me for Project 1 and 3! It is very detailed in regards to the historic time period as well as the type founder. I used this blog to read about type founders such as Baskerville, Garamond, and Didot. It was written in blog stlye, so it was less formal that books and research based websites.
8. Poynor, Rick. No More Rules: Graphic Design and Postmodernism. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2003. Print.
I looked into this book for Project two. It inspired me to work with text on a path and to not let my words and sentences be so structured. A spread of an artist books that was found in this book, titled, The Terminator line provided me with some creative ideas for beginning my layouts for Project 2.
9. Triggs, Teal. Type Design: Radical Innovations and Experimentation. New York: Harper Design International, 2003. Print.
This book helped me in learning how to work with negative space and appreciate it. I usually feel the need to fill every space with something, but this book had many simple, yet interesting examples of typographic posters that were not cluttered. This book helped me with project 2, because it served as inspiration to not create a cluttered layout.
10. White, Alex. Type in Use: Effective Typography for Electronic Publishing. New York: W.W. Norton, 1999. Print.

Type in Use explains the principles of designing pages with type and gives many examples from a plethora of current publications. This book served as more inspiration and helped me to brainstorm ideas for my projects in Typography.

1 comment:

  1. Good work! Your Annotated Bibliography reveals that you were involved in your research.
