Monday, October 15, 2012

Pizza has now become even more enticing..thanks to Dominos new packaging.

Dominos Pizza has just released a new item on their menu as well as new packaging to put the pan pizza into, that obviously surpasses the mundane pizza box that says Dominos in small red font. When I ordered this pizza, I was less than enthused about trying the new "pan pizza" that has resulted in so much hype in my friend group. After the pizza was eaten, I noticed the packing on the box, and it made me wish I did have a piece of that new menu item. There is just something significant and eye catching on the box that transcends the importance of the content. The font with the white outline is appealing and puts emphasis on what you're eating, as if you didn't already know. In addition to the prominent font used for pan in the center, the content circinling the center is also very interesting and has certain typefaces to emphasize its importance( such as never frozen is in a bigger font size than the rest, because Domino's probably wants that information to be read first.I also found the bottom of the box to be a bit comical and the fat faced font that reads " Hey"is very casual as if the pizza box has a voice. It was an interesting pizza experience that deemed to be entertaining.

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