Thursday, September 13, 2012

Good Afternoon,

This advertisement is probably the brightest thing outside on a typical foggy day like today. I just had to take a picture of this ad, simply because the colors are so aesthetically pleasing. I remember the days  when I would spend up to 5 hours a day on InDesign and Photoshop editing photos and learning to make the space inside the font a background picture rather just a color, so I appreciate the details of this typeface. I think this font is great. It's incredibly bold, not just because of the colors but due to its legibility. Its very clear and in all capital letters. It's crucial that typefaces are easy to read especially when they are on MUNI, people need to be able to capture the message of the advertisement in that short time that the bus is passing by. It is also interesting that many of the letters are filled with pictures of nature, since this advertisement was created to remind the public to take care of our parks. The kearning in between the letters also is important to the effectiveness of this advertisement, simply because if the letters were crammed together I would be less inclined to read what it said. Personally, I do not like when ads or words are  crammed, it just off a very cluttered vibe. Sometimes space is very  much necessary and makes it easier on the eyes. This typeface pops, due to the fact that the negative space is green and the positive space ( the font) is so vibrant. Overall, I was really drawn to this ad, and hope that MUNI has more ad's with color, because honestly black and white advertisements and fonts can become dull, especially on a foggy day.

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